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Genoa Oriental Market

Genoa Oriental Market
Called "Orientale" because of its proximity to the city’s eastern gate, it was inaugurated way back in 1899 and occupies a space that, according to the initial project of 1699, was originally destined to be the cloister of the monastery of N.S. of Consolation.
The market is adjacent to one of Genoa's main shopping streets - one of the entrances leads to the very central Via XX Settembre - and is easy to reach on foot or by bus. The car instead, is better left at a short distance, let's not forget that we are right in the city center!
As soon as you enter the Oriental Market, the view rejoices the eye the goods displayed on the numerous stalls: fruit and vegetable exhibited like paintings, fragrant plants and flowers, the intense reds of the meat, the glittering blue of the freshly caught fish, and then cheeses, bread and focaccia, fresh pasta, spices. A set of smells and flavours that captivates the palate and makes the mouth water. Here you can find typical Ligurian products: the Genoese DOP basil which is the basic ingredient of pesto (a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO intangible heritage list), typical olive oil from the Ligurian Riviera as well as salted anchovies fished from the Ligurian Sea.
The Oriental Market is a must for those who want to take home some unique flavours and want to experience an authentic sensory experience.
The atmosphere is truly special: it's nice to spend some time wandering round the stalls and breathing the authentic Genoa; stopping to look at the genuine faces of the stallholders, experience the somewhat uncouth but frank character of the Genoese, listen to their stories and their anecdotes.
Moreover, on the upper floor of the Market, there is the MOG, a food hall of almost 2 thousand square meters. A cultural center, a social hub inspired by the great European markets such as La Boqueria in Barcelona, the Markthal in Rotterdam or Stockholm’s Ostermalms.