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On the route of the masterpieces

On the route of the masterpieces
From May 19 to September 17 it will be possible to follow a new itinerary in the city, to discover the richness of a priceless heritage of great variety.
On the route of the masterpieces, conceived and curated by Anna Orlando on behalf of the Municipality of Genoa with Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, is a very rich museum network, in which each Genoese museum presents its own highlight, the most representative work, what truly every tourist – but also every Genoese – cannot help but discover and learn. An itinerary, or rather a route among the city's masterpieces, conceived on the occasion of the historic arrival of The Ocean Race, the most extraordinary and toughest regatta around the world which will arrive in Genoa at the end of June for its Grand Finale. An itinerary in about thirty stages that covers the whole city, from the historic center to the modern districts, from east to west: from the Ligurian Archeology Museum to the Museum of Contemporary Art, from natural history to oriental art, from the Lanterna to the Nazario Sauro Submarine, from ancient to modern to tell a story made of beauty, innovation, discoveries and wonders.
The "cultural" network will both open and close the itinerary - in perfect marine style - with some magnificent "guest masterpieces": The landscape with sheaves and rising moon from 1889 by Van Gogh displayed at Palazzo Ducale is the "starting point", and the landing place is the exhibition “Sinfonie d'arte”. Masterpieces in dialogue between Modena and Genoa, curated by Anna Orlando and Lucia Peruzzi and set up on the noble floor of Palazzo Doria Carcassi, seat of the Fondazione Carige, which hosts the paintings from the PBER Banca art collections.
On the route of the masterpieces is an event organized by the Municipality of Genoa and the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura with the collaboration of the network of public and private cultural institutions of the city.
The stages of the route as well as the list of masterpieces included in the exhibition are available on the attached map
For further information on the works, please take a look at the attached document
Palazzo Ducale, Cappella del Doge: The landscape with sheaves and rising moon by Vincent van Gogh
Monday 14-19; Tuesday . Sunday 10-19; Friday 10-21
Stage 1
Museo del Tesoro di San Lorenzo: the Sacro Catino
Monday - Saturday 9-12 and 15-18; closed on Sunday
Stage 2
Museo Diocesano di Genova: the Teli della Passione in “jeans” fabric
monday 10-13 and 14-18; Wednesday - Sunday 14-18; closed onTuesday
From June 15 to October 2
Exhibition “...e tacquero le onde del mare. Ex voto marinari in Liguria” - by Grazia Di Natale and Paola Martini
Stage 3
Casa di Colombo
From Tuesday to Friday: 10-18; Saturday and Sunday 10-19
Stage  4
Berio Library: the “Geographia” by Tolomeo in an ancient sixteenth-century edition
Monday - Saturday 8-19. closed on Sunday and public holidays. Free entrance
Stage 5
Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce: Uovo nero orizzontale (horizontal black egg) by Lucio Fontana
Tuesday - Friday 11-18; Saturday and Sunday 12-19
Stage 6
Museo di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria: L'Elefante antico italico (the ancient italian elephant)
Tuesday – Friday  9-19; Saturday -Sunday 10-19.30
Stage 7
Museo dei Cappuccini di Genova: Statua bifronte (two faced statue)
Opening times during exhibitions: Tuesday Sunday 15-18.30; Thursday 10-13 and 14.30-18.30
Stage 8
Museo dell’Accademia Ligustica di Belle Arti: Cristo davanti a Caifa (Christ in front of Caiaphas) by Luca Cambiaso
Until June 4: Tuesday - Sunday 14.30-18.30; From June 5: Tuesday - Saturday 14.30-18.30
closed for summer holidays from August 7 to  21 Free entrance
B: exhibition
Palazzo Doria Carcassi – Fondazione Carige: Sinfonie d’arte. Capolavori in dialogo tra Modena e Genova, by Anna Orlando and Lucia Peruzzi
Until July 23
Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10-18. Free entrance
Stage 9
Musei di Strada Nuova – Palazzo Bianco: Ecce homo by Caravaggio
Tuesday – Friday  9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non holiday Mondays
Stage 10
Musei di Strada Nuova – Textile collections of Palazzo Bianco: : The eighteenth-century tail coat Tuesday-Friday 9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 11
Musei di Strada Nuova – Numismatic Collections of Palazzo Tursi: The 25 doppie gold coin with the Madonna Queen of Genoa
Tuesday-Friday 9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 12
Musei di Strada Nuova – Ceramic collection hall of Palazzo Tursi: Ligurian majolica
Tuesday-Friday 9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 13
Musei di Strada Nuova – Palazzo Tursi: Niccolò Paganini’s violin “Il Cannone”
Tuesday-Friday 9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 14
Musei di Strada Nuova – Palazzo Rosso: La cuoca ( The cook) by Bernardo Strozzi
Tuesday-Friday 9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 15
Musei di Strada Nuova – DocSAI a Palazzo Rosso: La grande Carta della Riviera di Genova dated 1685 by José Chafrion
Tuesday – Friday  9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 16
Musei di Strada Nuova – Gabinetto disegni e stampe di Palazzo Rosso: Portrait by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Tuesday – Friday  9-19; Saturday and Sunday 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
C: exhibition
Palazzo della Meridiana: Straordinario e quotidiano. Da Strozzi a Magnasco, by Agnese Marengo and Maurizio Romanengo
Until Juy 16
Wednesday -Sunday 11-18
Stage 17
Museo del Risorgimento: Autograph manuscript of the national anthem
“Canto degli Italiani (Fratelli d’Italia)” by Goffredo Mameli
Tuesday - Friday 9-14; wednesday 9-19; Saturday and the first Sunday of the month 10-19.30; closed on non-holiday Mondays
Stage 18
Galata Museo del Mare: Portrait of Cristoforo Colombo, attributed to Ghirlandaio
Monday - Sunday 10-19
Stage 19
Submarine S518 Nazario Sauro – docking in front of Galata Museo
Monday- Sunday 10-19
Stage 20
MEI – Museo Nazionale dell’Emigrazione Italiana: the Commenda di San Giovanni di Prè
Until May: Tuesday- Friday 10 -18; Saturday and Sunday 11-19. From June to September Tuesday-Friday 11 -18; Saturday-Sunday 11-19
Stage 21
National museums of Genoa – Palazzo Reale: Portrait of Caterina Balbi Durazzo by Antoon van Dyck
Wednesday saturday 9-19;
free entrance: the first Sunday of the month 13.30-19. Closed on other sundays, Monday and tuesday
from may 26 to september 24
exhibition “Highlights. Maestri dal '500 al '700 dai Musei Nazionali di Genova”, by Alessandra Guerrini, Luca Leoncini, Anna Manzitti and Gianluca Zanelli
stage 22
Castello D’Albertis Museo delle Culture del Mondo: the neo gothic dwelling
Tuesday friday 10-18; Saturday and sunday 10-19
Stage 23
Villa del Principe – Palazzo di Andrea Doria: Portrait of Andrea Doria by Sebastiano del Piombo
openng time: every day 10-18
Stage 24
Complesso monumentale della Lanterna
For information and opening times:
Stage 25
Museo di Archeologia Ligure: the “Principe delle Arene Candide”
From Tuesday to Friday 13-19; Saturday and Sunday, 10 – 19.30
Stage 26
Musei di Nervi – Wolfsoniana: pyramid bed and Ninive chest of drawers by Alberto and Fabio Fabbi
Tuesday to Friday 11-18; Saturday and Sunday 12-19
Stage 27
Musei di Nervi – GAM Galleria d’Arte Moderna: Il cantiere by Plinio Nomellini
Tuesday - Friday 11-18; Saturday sunday 12-19
Stage 28
Musei di Nervi – Raccolte Frugone: Miss Bell by Giovanni Boldini
Tuesday friday 9-19; Saturday sunday 10-19.30
Among the many proposals scheduled at the end of June in the setting of Piazza della Vittoria, an evening entirely dedicated to "Made in Italy" music could not be missing! The appointment is for Wednesday 28th June. The five young winners of the Power2Music contest organized by Pulsee Luce e Gas, the digital brand of Axpo Italia, sponsor of the Municipality of Genoa, will take the stage first. Curious to know the name of the guest star? Ok, let's give you some clues: it's a female duo that has been treading the stages for years with a charge of energy and sensuality. They are two sisters: one blonde, the other brunette. guessed it? Yes, it's really them: Paola and Chiara are coming to Genoa!
Paola&Chiara Forever
The two Lezzi sisters will unleash the audience from 10pm by staging "Paola & Chiara Per Sempre", a tour that follows the release of the new recording project "Per Sempre", anticipated by the single "Furore" - in competition at the 70th edition of Sanremo Festival - and the song "Mare Caos". The album is full of unreleased collaborations and duets: from Emma to Elodie, via Jovanotti, Gabry Ponte, Noemi and Max Pezzali. The show - as the artists promise - will reflect the three souls of the duo: rock, latin and disco. In short, an electrifying show to be experienced that will make you sing and dance for two hours!
The live performance of the five young talents winners of the "Power2Music" contest
At 21, before the Paola&Chiara show, space for the young talents of Italian music. In fact, the five winners of the "Power2music" contest will take to the stage: a contest with a high social impact launched by Pulsee Luce e Gas, the 100% digital brand of Axpo Italia, which supports the talent of young and creative people in the world of music, one of the latest innovations in high definition sound. Among the five youngsters, also the Genoese doc Carlotta Rosini; with her, also Keyra (born Annapaola Giannattasio, from Salerno), Disteso (Davide Distaso, born in Trani but always lived in Barletta), Viscardi (Vincenzo Viscardi, from Vico Equense) and Vima (Vincenzo Mugavero, from Caltanissetta). The contest will lead to the release of an EP5 containing the five winning songs, produced in "dolby atmos", an innovative immersive audio technology. Also participating in the quality project was Andro, keyboardist, producer and programmer of the famous Italian band Negramaro, who met the winners of the contest before recording the songs in one of the creative coaching sessions to refine their musical productions.
Robbi Rocca's DJ set
The task of starting the great evening (at 20.30) and concluding it (after the performance of Paola&Chiara) falls to DJ Robbi Rocca, who will make the piazza dance and jump to the tune of the most popular commercial music of recent years. The DJ set will resume after Paola&Chiara's performance. Robbi Rocca, during his career, has participated in various musical events, public and private events and evenings in the best discos nationwide. In 2015 he participated in a very important musical project in terms of recording called 3PEAKS, creating the tracks MoetFriendzone, Mostra and Leave Me. In 2017 he is the author of the Remix of Oye Senorita for Plastik Duck and in 2018 of the Remixes of Gala, Danijay, Giusy Ferreri and Demi Lovato