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City Pass Genova

È il pass turistico ufficiale per Genova.
Ti accompagna nella scoperta della città  per valorizzare il tuo tempo libero!  

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Rolli Days, 14-15 September 2024 and 21-22 September 2024: guided tour of historic centre and Palazzi dei Rolli

Rolli Days, a journey into the majesty of Renaissance and Baroque Genoa, discovering the sumptuous residences desired by the Genoese aristocracy to demonstrate its elegance, grace and richness. Dozens of beautiful dwellings, beloved by Rubens, UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 2006.

Three days to explore the splendid residences of the Genoese aristocracy, to be fascinated by the amazing beauty of frescoes, furnishings, paintings, and discover the stories of the families of the Genoese aristocracy and the events of a city, known as "the Superb".

The best way to experience the allure of some of these dwellings is to take one of the extraordinary guided tours organised by the city during the Rolli Days, 14-15 September 2024 and 21-22 September 2024

Guided tour in Italian and English:

  • Saturday 14th and Saturday 21st at 3:30 pm starting point, TIC Office in via Garibaldi 12r, visit of PALAZZO SPINOLA GAMBARO (Via Garibaldi 2)  and PALAZZO LERCARI PARODI (Via Garibaldi 3)


  • Sunday 15th and Saturday 22nd at 3:30 pm starting point, TIC Office in via Garibaldi 12r, visit of PALAZZO AGOSTINO PALLAVICINO (Via Garibaldi 1)  and PALAZZO SPINOLA GAMBARO (Via Garibaldi 2)

Prices: Full price € 14,00; Reduced (children 12-18 y.o, adults over 65): € 12,00; Children under 12 y.o.: free.


More itineraries in Italian language are available on the following webpage.


N.B. Palaces included in the guided tour can be visited for free, reservation is necessary at the following link:


The purchased items will not be refunded in any way, nor will it be possible to change the date and/or time. A refund is foreseen only in case the service is not provided for reasons directly attributable to Comune di Genova.


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