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XVIII Mediterranean Congress on Rheumatology

XVIII Mediterranean Congress on Rheumatology
Calendary Dal 12-04-2018 al 14-04-2018

From at least 2,000 years the Mediterranean area with the connected Black and Red Sea populations has been the “CRIB” of the culture, science and good life. What means good life? Good life mean an acceptable style of life, even modest but healthy, and of course, it includes good food and good climate! Today, we recognize that, among the multiple risk factors involved in the development of several diseases, environmental and nutritional components play an important role. The rheumatic diseases are among the most common diseases in the general population and the effects of wrong diets and non healthy environment/style of life, are recognized as important promoters for their development. Correct diet represents also part of a correct management of the Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Diseases. Already from the beginning, the Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology has presented the experiences regarding the characteristics of the Rheumatic Diseases in such area, and comparing their epidemiology among the  European countries.This 2018 edition of the Congress will focus about the effects of the diet and the climate on the most frequent Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, including their early diagnosis and advanced therapies.The Congress topics will be discussed in sequential sessions and will include appropriate presentations on nutritional and environmental factors that will integrate the clinical and drug treatment lectures. Of course, participants will have the occasion to taste personally in spring time, the therapeutical effects of the mediterranean diet and climate “available” for all participants during the Congress that will be held in the Old Harbour of Genova.

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