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Genoa and Beyoglu: a centuries long friendship

Genoa and Beyoglu have an ancient relation: Beyoglu is a quarter of Istanbul founded as a commercial settlement by the Genoeses, who in 1348 built there the “Galata Tower” to testify their presence in Asia Minor.To strenghten this relation, in 2007 the Municipalities of Genoa and Beyouglu signed a protocol of friendship and cooperation; the connection consolidated more thanks to the synergy with Turkish Airlines, which opened a direct flight between Genoa and Istanbul more than one year ago.The exhibition “Genoa. An enchanted glance” was held in Beyoglu on last January with pictures by Stefano Goldberg; and a concert of the Genoese orchestra Bailam featuring the Compagnia di canto Trallallero took place in June; now it is time for Beyoglu to show its beauty and history to the Italian public, with the photo exhibition “Beyoglu. The stage of civilizations” , by Beste Gürsu, opened in Palazzo Tursi from October 9th to 31st: 56 pictures of a town which is a door to East and a meeting point of religions and civilizations. The  Genoese and our guest will have the chance to discover so many elements in common between the two towns, both vertically rising from the sea, both crossed by a net of narrow lanes, and deeply tied since the XIII century.On October 9th, the Mayors of the two Municipalities, Marco Doria and Ahmet Misbah Demircan, will sign a new protocol of twinning, to renew their ancient bond.

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Calendary 06-10-2013