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A new logo for Genoa

The Municipality of Genoa just released the Notice of Competition for the International competition of ideas for the creation of the logotype/trademark for the communication and promotion of the city of Genoa.The new trademark of Genoa seeks to position the city in a distinctive and attractive way with respect to other cities and geographic areas; to support and ‘put a signature on’ the cultural and touristic offering, and all promotional initiatives on a national and international level; to reinforce marketing activities for the area that are aimed at attracting business, skills and people to our area.The competition is opened to businesses, firms and agencies working in the area of graphic design, visual communication design, advertising and communications; professional graphic designers, architects, and web designers who are professionally active in a documentable way; college graduates and those possessing degrees from legally recognized schools and institutions and post-diploma training schools.The Notice of Competition with every detail, in English, is available here. Entries must be received by November 22nd. This action is part of the European project Urbact - “City Logo: Innovative place-brand management"

Nützliche Info

Calendary 14-10-2013