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XXVI Congresso Eucaristico Nazionale

Calendary Dal 16-09-2016 al 18-09-2016

Genova is ready to host the XXVI National Eucharistic Congress, to be held from Thursday 15 to Sunday, September 18, 2016.

For three days Genova become “capital” of the Eucharist between sea and alleys. “In contemporary” with the events of the conference, there will be the celebrations in the dioceses. Among the proposals, invite men and women who work to go to Mass even during the week.

The Congress will have two phases: the first, lived in all Italian dioceses (Thursday and Friday), and another celebrated only in Genova (Saturday and Sunday). On Friday will emerge the link with the Holy Year since in each diocese it will be fulfilled some works of mercy.

The profession of faith in the Lord Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament will take place in a very special way in the event at the Old Port.

The organization of this event was held by the National Committee of  CEI in collaboration with the Archdiocese, local institutions and the Convention Bureau Genova which has provided support for hotel accommodation of the participants in the city.

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