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Palazzo Grimaldi Spinola di Pellicceria, Galleria Nazionale

Palazzo Grimaldi Spinola di Pellicceria, Galleria Nazionale

Today home to the Galleria Nazionale di Liguria (National Gallery of Liguria), this palace was built at the end of the 16th century by the Grimaldi family; over the centuries, through a series of inheritances, it has belonged to many of the leading families of the Genoese aristocracy, ending with the Spinola, who donated it to the Italian State in 1958 so that it might become a Museum.

Inside, the magnificent works of art and historical furnishings give the palace the unique appeal of a fine historic residence belonging to a great Genoese family; the first piano nobile is decorated in the style of a 17th-century noble residence, while the second bears the mark of the complex restoration work carried out in the 18th century and features a  small but elegant Galleria degli Specchi (Hall of Mirrors) of particular note.

The museum's collections include works by Antonello da Messina, Joos van Cleve, Rubens and Luca Giordano, as well as all the major Genoese artists of the Baroque period.

The building also houses a valuable collection of majolica and ancient ceramics, as well as a collection of antique textiles, which forms part of the DVJ - Centro Studi Tessuto e Moda (Research Centre of Fabrics and Fashion).

For information on prices and schedules, please visit the organisation's website.

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